
B2B marketplace built on Blockchains

Features of marketsN

  • Create groups valuable to all
    member organizations
  • Wider visibility for
    better planning
  • Automate contract
  • Verified collaterals for
    low-risk financing
  • Enable a true
    B2B marketplace
  • ERP-Compatible;
    cloud hosted

Create groups valuable to all member organizations

marketsN is a collaboration platform. With a business group you can bring together all your suppliers. So everyone can start getting the real picture in real time.

In a multi-tier network, this brings visibility into operations of suppliers-of-suppliers improving adaptability, ensuring compliance & reducing cost.

Wider visibility for better planning

The more suppliers you bring on board the more you see. Get real time information about inventory, demand and available capacity.

marketsN’s built in AI algorithms analyze data distributed across organizations to identify future bottlenecks & recommend corrective actions.

Automate contract enforcement

marketsN allows B2B contracts to be embedded with terms regarding performance linked payment, returns, revenue-sharing etc.

Contract terms can be automatically enforced when processing invoices. This reduces reconciliations, avoids conflicts.

Built in algorithms recommend contract terms to incentivize partner performance ensuring a win-win situation for all.

Verified collaterals for low-risk financing

marketsN uses a permissioned blockchain for transparency and auditability of transactions within a group. When information about transactions within a group must be verified by an external party, marketsN records verified transactions on a public blockchain.

This allows organizations to share live copies of B2B document with Banks or NBFCs. Since banks can keep track of the current status of invoices, it reduces their risk exposure. With reduced risk, organizations can access lower cost credit.

Enable a true B2B marketplace

Delegated procurement stress free - get oversight over partners who do procurement on your behalf.

Built-in support for competitive bidding and other market mechanisms for optimal price discovery.

Newer business opportunities - create a secondary marketplaces where products with proven provenance can be resold.

ERP-Compatible; cloud hosted

marketsN ERP plug-ins can be customized to interface with any organizations’ ERP. Data and process models in marketsN are ERP compliant out of the box

For non-ERP users, marketsN provides a mobile interface.